Its been a while but have started playing Fallout 76 and have been very immersed into the world. Time flies when you are trying to stay alive.
Halloween 2022
Guild Wars 2 halloween is on its ways and the prep for Lab Farm and Bat Wings farming has already begun. Magic Find is essential for Lab Farming so food is the main choice. There is many food options but what ever you go for make sure it has the best +MF you can get.
For those that know me ingame my Mesmer will ready to portal run for Bat Wings, keep an eye out as I will be online constantly. Lab runs will be done in random groups to start with but I may step up and lead some if the randoms become a problem.
Last thing for now remember to leave the looted sacks unopened until you need to open them, this saves bag space and makes transfering looted items later a lot easier.
Death Look…too soon?

Getting the look right for Halloween is very important when facing the Halloween King. You have the option of taking the simple route and fitting and outfit or buy making up your own look one item at a time, but the end result will always be impressive. Once done you are now ready to face the minions from hell and their mighty leader. I for one will be spending a lot of time running the Dungeon and eating candy.
Guild Wars
Logged into Guild Wars for the first time in years.
Amazing how it still looks so good.
Griffon Mount GW2

Friday decided to finish the griffon mount mission. OMG!!!! what a pain in the ass this was. Followed a set of videos from youtube just to get this over with. Then as a treat for the amount of effort and gold I decided to buy the halloween skin pack for mounts and am loving them all.
Got my Jackal Today

For some reason i never bothered with this mount but
decided to take a break from running the halloween stuff
and did a push for mounts.
Corona-Virus sucks
Another week almost done and oh my god is this getting boring. Just finished an english lesson with my twin 10yr olds and it seems they know most of it but i am learning all the time 🙂
Fighting Fantasy Books
Today we started on Fighting Fantasy books. As something i did many a year ago i was interested to see how they have aged and how the new ones stack up.
I am going to be the “GM/Narrator” and my 9yr old twins are going to be the adventurer (joint effort).
We got the dice and created our own Character Sheet (using gIMP as they can use that), also a roll of paper that we started unrolling as we drew out any maps incase they were needed later. We only managed a little time today so i will have to update this as we go along.
Our first book is The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (book one of a series).
Here you will find the series of books that we will over time be working/fighting our way through:
Updates/More to follow
Ice Skating
Gotta love ice skating
Testing categories
Added some categories and testing them out. This is for GW2